Since releasing their first single ‘Dorothy Deadleg’ earlier this year and there’s no sign of things slowing down for this garage grunge group. The second song from forthcoming EP ‘Nazi Art’ was released on Triple J last week, here’s what the boys had to say about their most recent track
“We wrote this song in a drunken stupor on a GarageBand piano, transposed it to guitar and called it Nazi Art because the name was catchy. It has nothing to do with Nazis and we don’t actually like Nazis … but it gets the job done. It’s a track about ex-girlfriends, nuns and monsters from beneath the sand.”
There’s a film clip coming soon and if you’re in Brisbane next month you can catch the Fight Ibis boys performing at the BIGSOUND showcase. If that’s not enough they have also just announced an upcoming Australian East Coast Tour.
Check out their teaser vid