Tyrone Noonan, Anthony Garcia and William Barton are Soniclines: An international trio seeded from some of Brisbane’s most creative!
A chance meeting at the infamous Chelsea Hotel in New York brought ex-george front man Tyrone Noonan and classical guitar virtuoso Anthony Garcia together for the first time since their school days sparring in local Battle of the Bands competitions around Brisbane.
The New York connection took another turn when Garcia located Australian didgeridoo legend William Barton backstage at Carnegie Hall. The stars were aligning says Barton, and a few drinks later the collaboration was born. The concept evolved into the multicultural sound art trio Soniclines; a unique ensemble interweaving spiritual notions of time, space, genre and culture.
Inspired by mythologies from the artist’s diverse cultural heritages, the trio creates a sonic pathway to the heavens. From the land lines of the Aboriginal Dreamtime, the song lines of the Celtic tradition and the spiritual communication ideology of the famous Latin American Nazca lines, emotive melodies, haunting vocals and pulsating rhythms are extracted from the ether in a musical ritual not to miss.